

Software Engineer

Experienced (5+ years) Software Engineer with a
Bachelor's in Computer Science and a growth mindset!



Software Development Engineer 2

  • Working with low Earth orbit satellites to provide the internet to unserved and underserved communities at affordable prices!


Software Engineer 1 (October 2019 - April 2020)

Software Engineer 2 (April 2020 - August 2021)

Senior Software Engineer (August 2021 - March 2023)

Summary: Worked with multiple technologies and languages like Java, Python, Dropwizard, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Elasticsearch, Shell scripts, Javascript (Node.js), React, Angular.js, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud on a Service Oriented Architecture.
  • Designed, implemented and deployed 2 Java services to support Document downloads for Purchase Orders and built UI components in Javascript that resulted in:
    - deprecation of legacy 8+ year old PHP code,
    - upto a 90% improvement in download times, and
    - reduction of generated file sizes (by about 50%).
  • Scoped, designed, implemented, and deployed Late Ship Chargebacks project using Java to automate the process of applying Lateship Chargebacks which
    - reduced Order To Delivery (22% improvement 4.6 days to 3.6 days),
    - drove late ship chargeback revenue (12X growth from $17K to $204K), &
    - reduced Account Payable and Account Manager workload.
  • Designed, implemented and integrated CRM that helped decrease the time it takes to onboard a vendor from 58 days to 20 mins. (Happy path)
  • Designed, implemented and deployed a Java service that monitors an Amazon SNS topic and pushes notification emails and alerts for different states of an Inbound Shipment.
  • Implemented a service to enable vendors to upload media assets (.jpeg, .png, .mp4, .zip files) to AWS S3.
  • Reduced on-call load by 28.02% and improved Account Manager productivity by creating tickets for frequent on-call tasks and built a self-service page.
  • Interviewed and mentored 35+ junior Software Engineers and interns.
  • Automated the process of catching fraudulent/cancelled orders and alerting dropship vendors before orders were shipped by them which saved $457K for the company and lost inventory for vendors. (annualized)
  • Automated the process of setting up the Weekly Business Review Document using Gitlab pipelines, Slack hooks and a Python script.
  • Reduced oncall load caused by auto-generated tickets by implementing a retry logic that caught intermittent errors and retried them using a Timer.
  • Worked on 2 different UIs that were written in Angular and React. One was vendor facing with over 5K weekly average users. Another one was an internal site for the Account Managers to control events, vendors, purchase orders and shipments.
  • Automated the process of setting up the vendor portal using Docker, Gitlab and shell scripting.
  • Languages: Java, Python, MySQL, PHP, Javascript.
  • Technologies/Frameworks: Dropwizard, JUnit, Maven, Gradle, Hibernate, AWS, GCP, Git, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Gitlab, Docker, Kubernetes, Jira, Confluence, MongoDB.


Software Engineer

  • Worked as the only other developer for creating website components for business customers like UMC, Teague and Bloodworks Ventures.
  • Set up the deployment server for Bloodworks Ventures using Digital Ocean.
  • Wrote configuration scripts using Gulp, Webpack, PostCSS, Tailwind etc. to package the bundle files and minimize the file sizes and decrease the page load times for sites.
  • Received multiple certifications for CSS, Web Design and CraftCMS.
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL.
  • Technologies/Frameworks: DigitalOcean and FortRabbit.

Evocalize (Madrona Venture-backed Seattle startup)

Software Engineer (Backend)

  • Integrated the user-facing elements developed by the front-end developers using GraphQL APIs and REST APIs on the server-side for Spring projects powered by Kotlin and Java.
  • Added numerous flyway data migration files for a PostgreSQL database performing SQL queries.
  • Implemented payments using Stripe API on the server-side along with database design for the same.
  • Automated the process of new lead notifications using Sendgrid APIs by fetching lead information from a Facebook web hook and then sending that information to the Sendgrid using an API request for the Dynamic Transaction template.
  • Worked with the CEO to update business plan algorithms.
  • Added sentry monitoring to the Maven project and integrated it with Slack for instant server side API error and warning stack traces.
  • Setup cron jobs for business clients which included data feed imports from client sites and added monitoring to the data feed cron jobs using Dead Man’s Snitch.
  • Automated the process of making image creatives and worked on designing images for Facebook ads using a shell script and integration of Cloudinary API.
  • Integrated Facebook Marketing API for Campaign, Ad Set and Ad creation, updation and removal on the server side.
  • Implemented Pixel tracking for Facebook ads that led to Ad performance optimizations.
  • Added retry logic for transient Facebook Ad publishing errors which impacted Backend and Customer Support productivity.
  • Languages: Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Shell scripting, PostgreSQL, GraphQL.
  • APIs used for Integration: Facebook Marketing API, Stripe API, Sendgrid, Cloudinary, Auth0.
  • Technologies: Spring, JUnit, Maven, Gradle, JOOQ, AWS, Azure, Git, Xplenty, Distelli/Puppet pipelines, CircleCI, Docker, Sentry, HAProxy, LetsEncrypt, Terraform.

TAI Schools

Junior Software Engineer

  • Worked on 3 platforms of an Edutech startup using AngularJS, ReactJS, AWS, Ramses, Nefertari and MongoDB under direct supervision of the CTO.
  • Added Google Analytics for all the platforms and added a Human Centered design that led to an increase of user visits by 2700%.
  • Implemented payments using Razorpay API.
  • Added responsive styling for the whole website and turned it into a Progressive Web Application.

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

Web Developer Intern

  • Designed and modeled the database for AlphaMeet - a Board Meeting Web Client forthe Executive Board of IRCTC from scratch.
  • Automated the Board Meeting process by working underthe Supervision of the Joint General Manager(I.T.) of IRCTC.

Nestle India

Sales and Marketing Intern

  • Developed a Web Application forthe Sales team to automate the process of filing leads after pitching Nestlé products to over 200 restaurants and hotels all over Delhi.

Kyrion Technologies

Java Summer Trainee

  • Worked under the supervision of Gaurav Sood (now working at Paytm), received training in Core Java and worked on a project in Java.


National Insitute of Technology, Delhi

August 2014 - May 2018

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I was extremely active in the extra-curriculars of the college.

Juneau-Douglas High School (Juneau, Alaska)

American High School Diploma

Online Certificates



  • As of June 2023, I am the Top 5% contributor for the year 2023 on StackOverflow.
  • Founding Member and the First Event Organizer for React Delhi NCR Meetup group. (2.5k+ member group).
  • Won the Mr. Farewell NIT Delhi 2018 award for Talent Show - Dancing.
  • Only student in the graduating class to be offered a job by Reliance Jio (3rd largest service provider in India) through college placements.
  • My team was chosen as one of the top 10 teams out of over 150 teams from all over India at HackDTU (Hackathon at the Delhi Technological University) in February, 2017.
  • Qualified for ACM-ICPC India onsite regionals in December, 2016. (Team name: jinchuruki)
  • Branch Representative of Computer Science and Engineering during the Freshman year.
  • Elected as the Joint Secretary of NIT Delhi’s first ever Student Council.
  • Ranked 2nd out of over a 100 teams from colleges all over Delhi in an IT treasure hunt of IIIT Delhi’s tech fest Esya.
  • Nominated by the Director of my Institute as one of the six students to be in the Student Body of the college during my Junior year.
  • 4-time Gold medalist in College Basketball. (all 4 years).
  • A varsity-level Tennis player in High School.
  • Selected to dance (150 chosen out of 2,000) in the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games (Delhi, 2010) under Shiamak Davar choreography.
  • Won the award for the Best Orator in the South East Alaska Regional Debate, Drama and Forensics Championship.
  • Won the Most Improved Basketball Player award in Junior year of High School.

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